Green Hydrogen

What Is It?

Not all hydrogens are created equally.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. It is present in 75% of all matter. And it is the perfect candidate to the world’s de-carbonising transition to clean energy.


Green Hydrogen - the most sustainable fuel

Hydrogen is now being used for energy storage in off-grid communities. Burning pure hydrogen releases no climate pollution.

Hydrogen is light, can be stored, and doesn’t generate any pollution by itself. However, hydrogen does not begin as an energy source – it is always found in partnership with other chemical elements. This means it needs a chemical process to extract it and turn it into fuel. There are many ways to complete this process but not all of them are sustainable.

But not all hydrogen is created equally.

In January 2022 Australia exported it’s first liquefied hydrogen to Japan.

But there was one problem: the hydrogen was generated by using brown coal (a high-emitting energy source) to produce the hydrogen.

This is not unusual.

Nearly all of the hydrogen used today is made from fossil fuels. Developing “green” hydrogen, the term used when renewable energy (like wind and solar power) powers an electrolyser to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, is a priority for countries like the U.S., China, the E.U., Japan and South Korea.

The Hydrogenus Energy System uses energy produced from solar and wind sources to produce hydrogen. The Hydrogenus Energy System produces carbon-free electricity.